Throughout my childhood, I held a keen interest in computers, particularly in gaming. However, the technical\science aspects didn’t initially captivate me.

Back in 2010, acquiring new games was a challenge due to limited internet access. We relied on friends with installation CDs, DVDs, or pendrives. Unfortunately, scratched disks often led to checksum errors or missing files, which forced us to download DLLs/files from the internet to fix issues.

Encountering language barriers(English is not my first language) or difficult game levels led us to seek cheat engine for assistance. It was through this pursuit that I was introduced to Lua, although my attempts at mastery were unsuccessful. Nonetheless, I learned to utilize basic features like memory scanning to manipulate in-game values, enabling me to progress in game, by freezing my health, or getting large pool of money.

My formal introduction to programming languages occurred during high school (2013-2015), where I immersed myself in HTML, Java, and other languages introducted in the syllabus. I delved into course materials fervently, which reflected positively in my academic performance in computer-related subjects.

Upon entering college for my bachelor’s degree (2015-2019), my first year was uneventful as I focused on academic excellence. However, the second year introduced me to a world of possibilities through friends who introduced me to courses, competitive programming, hackathons, and more. This reignited my passion for learning new things, and I avidly pursued knowledge.

Few resources that helped me were:

  2. Steven Halim’s CP book:

These resources not only aided my learning but also paved the way for my initial job opportunities. Despite my skepticism regarding the quality of indian college education, I acknowledge its role in facilitating exploration, fostering friendships, and providing time for personal development.

Subsequent learning occurred on the job and through interactions with colleagues. I remain committed to continuous learning, always seeking to expand my skill set and find joy in the process.

And you know what? Its just getting started. Here’s to a lifetime of curiosity and adventure!