Hello world, I am Upendra Upadhyay. This is my first post and I have been trying to write for a long time. I think there is no better time than now.

I have been trying to learn Haskell for past 3 years in my free time, but was never able to code anything useful; mostly did fibonacci, sieve of eratosthenes, and sudoku - which was taking lot of memory and time because of bad pruning.


fib = 0:1:zipWith (+) fib (tail fib)
ghci> take 10 fib

Sieve of eratosthenes

sieve (p:ps) = p:sieve (filter (\x -> x `mod` p /= 0) ps)
prime = sieve [2..]
ghci> take 10 prime

All things considered, I was never able to be productive in Haskell, But I got opportunity to work in Clojure; which allowed me to write functional code and interop with Java/Javascript. It created a bridge to Haskell, which have great ideas with steep learning curve.

Similar case is with Rust, I am still trying to solve Xorcism , never seem to be getting closer to solution. I think Rust have great ideas but also a bit of learning curve. This where I think Nim can become similar bridge like Clojure for Rust. It allows system programming and interop with C, C++, Javascript.

which makes me curious to learn Nim.