Advent of Code 2023 Day 3

AOC-2023-3 Gear Ratios In this problem, we had to parse the input problem and find all the symbols like: #, *, + and $. All numbers that are adjacent to symbols are important for us, and we need to compute the result. Part 1 In this part we had to compute the sum of numbers adjacent to the symbol decsribed above. To get the results I was going for the graph traversal algorithm, and to do that in haskell I used containers library to get Data.Tree and used State Monad from mtl to keep track of visited nodes using get and put. ...

February 28, 2024 · 1 min · Upendra Upadhyay

Advent of Code 2023 Day 2

AOC-2023-2 Cube Conundrum In this problem, we have to parse the input text and compute the result; this problem was not particularly hard or tricky and just required correct parsing. code for day 2 is at:

February 27, 2024 · 1 min · Upendra Upadhyay

Advent of Code 2023 Day 1

AOC-2023-1 Trebuchet?! I have tried solving advent of code 2023 challenges in haskell, and this was my attempt to solve day 1. In this problem we have to find the first and last digits in a line and sum them. problem link: Part 1 First part is very simple as it is just a parsing problem, and we can use my favourite library for parsing: parsec to solve it. Part 2 Second part have a variation that say the digits may be spelled out like one instead of 1. which seems to be easy to solve as we can just change our parsing logic to consider both 1 and one as 1. But when I treid to solve it using that approach, I was getting the wrong result. ...

February 26, 2024 · 2 min · Upendra Upadhyay

Putting Yourself Out

I have never been consistent with my writing and I wish to change it to become better at writing; and Internet is a place where we can express ourself. so this is me being accountable and putting myself out. Now, I will be trying to write about: daily-life things I learned explaining something snippets anything else I will be trying to stick with it.

February 25, 2024 · 1 min · Upendra Upadhyay

Visitor Pattern

I created a new video and google slide explaining visitor pattern: Youtube Video: Google Slide: references: Google Slide Gangs Of Four Book awesome blog about clojure design patterns:

February 11, 2023 · 1 min · Upendra Upadhyay